In order to make the registration in the congress, you have to create an account in the website, where you’ll gonna have access to all the information related to the status of your registration. To create an account, you must enter the website and select LOGIN in the upper corner of the page.
Before submitting an abstract, please read carefully the submission rules. To submit abstracts in this congress, you must have an account in the website - know how to do it on point 1).
CAREFUL: Although you can name the first author and the co-authors, all the information about the congress and the submitted abstract - like registration, payments, acceptance of the abstract - is only available for you. If you want this information to be available for another author instead of you, please contact the organization.
The limit is one abstract per author (as main author).
The abstracts should clearly explain the context of the research or theoretical reflection to be presented at the conference. They should indicate the objectives, conceptual assumptions and methodology, as well as the expected or achieved results. The abstract should contain a maximum of 500 words. The limit is one abstract per author (as main author).
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