March 4th, 2025
The fields of research in the social sciences, arts and humanities have undergone multiple and significant transformations in recent decades. These transformations are associated with the development of new or renewed epistemologies and with the affirmation of ontologies that challenge boundaries - between theory and practice, art and science, research and action - as a way of intervening in the world and questioning narratives, imaginaries and representations. Crossing borders means blurring them, but also remaining within them in order to converge - following the lead of Antônio Bispo dos Santos, or Nêgo Bispo - with knowledge, practices, dreams and worldviews in flux. A complex web of critical, decolonial and intersectional knowledges emerges from this intervention, challenging the multiple expressions of the dominant structures of power, existence and knowledge. The flux - which often goes from the academy to the street, but also in the opposite direction - finds in artistic practices a privileged place to elaborate forms of struggle and existence. The knowledge produced through the entanglement of art, research, pedagogy and action is embodied, rebellious and has the capacity of confronting the complex articulation of everyday and structural oppressions - such as class, gender, race and territory.
From artistic research to interdisciplinary methodologies and participatory approaches, new ways of thinking are emerging that interconnect these dimensions. These approaches not only demonstrate the transformative potential of creative practices as research and intervention tools for social justice but also show that scientific knowledge can be both rigorous and socially engaged.
Abstract submission deadline
Communication of results
Deadline for early registration
Deadline for late registrations
Announcement of the Final Program
Students - 40€
Professionals - 85€
Students - 60€
Professionals - 120€
March 4th, 2025
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