

Submission of proposals

Papers that present research results or reflect on the articulations between cultural/artistic practices and activism and political participation are accepted,

taking into account a set of axes:

- Artistic creations and forms of social protest

- Aesthetic-Political Activism and Revolutions in the 21st Century: Socio-Historical Perspectives

- Protests, communities and (new) social movements

- Technologies of Protest: The Technologization of Social and PoliticalRevolutions

- Global Challenges and Grammars of Resistance: Aesthetic-Political ActivismMaterialized

- Articulations between activism and youth creative practices

- New social movements between the local, the virtual and the global

- Crisis, resistances and social change

- A(r)tivism in the public and private spheres

- Artivist Research Methods

Submissions and respective communications can be made in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Abstracts should have a maximum of 500 words and clearly explain the context of the research or theoretical reflection to be presented at the conference, indicating the objectives, conceptual assumptions and methodology, as well as the expected or achieved results. They must also be accompanied by an English version and a short biography of the author(s) (max. 150 words), which includes their affiliation and contact information. The limit is one submission per author (as first author).

Abstract Submission until March 25th

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